About This Blog

This blog is intended for Mrs. Bilczo's students and their parents at the Lorain County JVS. Its purpose is to keep everyone informed of current activities and units of study, as well as provide extra curriculum content, provide additional resources, and to follow up on class discussions in a blogging forum. Students are encouraged to check this blog often.
For any further information, feel free to email Mrs. Bilczo at jbilczo@lcjvs.net or call 440-774-1051 ext. 2500.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

JVS Poetry Contest Entries Due Thursday

Attention Everyone:  Entries for the JVS Poetry Celebration Contest are due on Thursday.  This has been posted in the announcements:

Calling All Poets:
April is Poetry Month. In order to celebrate “Poetry,” the JVS will be having a poetry contest. Your poem must be no longer than 21 lines, it does not have to rhyme, it can not contain “foul” language, but it must be original, which means you can not copy from someone else or the internet. It must be your own work.
All poems must be typed, contain a title, your name, grade, home address, and program. (Do not use all capital letters)
All poems must be submitted to your English teacher in Room A209 by Thursday, April 7th. No poems will be accepted after April 7th !!
Your poem will be posted throughout the school and will be entered into a national contest, where you have the opportunity to win cash and/or prizes.
One poem per student.
I know it's short notice, but I'm offering 10 bonus points for the third quarter to all entries.  Turn them in to me by this Thursday, April 7th.  

1 comment:

  1. Are you going to post any of the amazing poems that were turned in? I'd love to read them!
