About This Blog

This blog is intended for Mrs. Bilczo's students and their parents at the Lorain County JVS. Its purpose is to keep everyone informed of current activities and units of study, as well as provide extra curriculum content, provide additional resources, and to follow up on class discussions in a blogging forum. Students are encouraged to check this blog often.
For any further information, feel free to email Mrs. Bilczo at jbilczo@lcjvs.net or call 440-774-1051 ext. 2500.

Monday, April 18, 2011

"Horses Are For Petting, Not Eating"

"Horses are for petting, not eating."  These were the words of wisdom from my five-year-old after school today.  After a good chuckle, I thought of today's reading of Macbeth with the seniors.  I will give 5 bonus points to the first senior that can post the reason that it strangely relates to an event in Act Two of Macbeth.  Then I got to wondering, do any of you have funny stories about some strange thing you may have tried to eat as small children?  If you have a tale to tell, I prithee thee, pray tell!  5 bonus points, by 2:14 Thursday, 4/21.


  1. This relates to act 2 because at the end of act 2 the old man says that duncans horses went crazy and one of them ate the other one.

  2. Good job Kaylyn! You're right! This was only one of the many unnatural events going on in Act Two!
