About This Blog

This blog is intended for Mrs. Bilczo's students and their parents at the Lorain County JVS. Its purpose is to keep everyone informed of current activities and units of study, as well as provide extra curriculum content, provide additional resources, and to follow up on class discussions in a blogging forum. Students are encouraged to check this blog often.
For any further information, feel free to email Mrs. Bilczo at jbilczo@lcjvs.net or call 440-774-1051 ext. 2500.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Darth Vader = Tragic Hero? and other stuff.


Juniors:  Today's story, "The Storyteller" dealt with often overused literary stereotypes, referred to as archetypes.  These are predictable kinds of characters, plots, themes or conflicts.  We see these a lot in many film plots too.  The movies in the double-trilogy (???)   of Star Wars contains nearly every possible archetyped character and plot that exists in storytelling and writing.  What are some of the kinds of characters or plots that we see often in literature or film?  Can you name any?

Lit and Film:  It's Spring!  The Birds are arriving in our area!  Take cover!


  1. Hey, this really has nothing to do with the post above, but it's Chris Fallon, and I just wanted to letcha know i'ma followin' ya.
